Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hello, World.

There's this problem with people nowadays,
everyone needs to know what everyone else is thinking,
all the time. The rise of social networking has broken down
a barrier that no one realized existed, and we're being
flooded with useless information that we are somehow
supposed to care about. We've forgotten the importance
of privacy, of letting people live their lives the way they choose,
and sometimes sharing with the few worthy ones. There's no mystery,
no acceptance of the fact that we can never truly know any other
person. Just the idea that now we can go to a page and decide
whether or not we like a person, based on photos and anecdotes. That
because we found them on Google, we're qualified to make a judgement.
Because of social networking, reality TV, cell phones and god knows what else,
we believe have the right to butt into the lives of everyone around us.
But the truth is, we don't. No one does.We've all been there,
desperately trying to decode a person through Facebook or Twitter or their
goddamn vague text messages. Wondering what they think of you, do they like you,
do they hate you? But then I realized, who gives a shit?
It's completely and totally insane that we willing spend more time talking about
our lives and wondering about others than we do just closing the laptop
and living. So, fuck it. Stop worrying about who hates you or who thinks your profile
picture is cute, stop worrying about the judgement of people you don't care about, stop worrying
about sounding smart and start worrying about what the hell you're gonna do for the real
world, the one that's been waiting for you.

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